Abrahamic Program for Young Adults
During the Summer Assembly Season, the Abrahamic Program for Young Adults (APYA) provides unique opportunities for interfaith dialogue and service to early career adults interested in pursuing vocations in ministry, chaplaincy, or interfaith work more broadly.
Interactions, conversations, and experiences which are part of the APYA experience will allow participants to grow within their own faith tradition, gain experiential knowledge of other traditions, and collaborate in a collegial intergenerational environment that is unique to Chautauqua Institution.
Contact Information
The Abrahamic Program for Young Adults is supported with funds from the Joseph H. & Florence Roblee Foundation.
2025 APYA Program
For the 2025 summer season, a cohort of four to six coordinators who identify as either Jewish, Christian, or Muslim* will attend and help lead various worship services, facilitate interfaith conversations, and provide religious education to the Chautauqua community during the Summer Assembly.
In addition to participating in the regularly scheduled programs offered by the Department of Religion, APYA coordinators will also collaborate with one another to develop a new project based on their mutual interests and vocational goals.
The coordinators will also have special opportunities to meet with our Chaplains and Interfaith Lecture Series Speakers. In 2024, APYA coordinators had one-on-one meetings with Rabbi Sharon Brouse, Kaitlin Curtice, Simran Jeet Singh, Dr. Sunita Puri, Ubaydullah Evans, and Gopal Patel.
To participate in APYA, coordinators must be available to reside on the grounds of Chautauqua from Tuesday, June 17–Sunday, August 17, 2025. This is a paid internship opportunity. Accommodation on the grounds and a meal card will also be provided.
Application Requirements
- Applicants must identify as either Jewish, Christian, or Muslim. If you do not identify with one of these faith traditions but are still interested in this program, please email religion@chq.org, before you start an application.
- Applicants must be open and respectful of the other faith traditions with which they will be living and working. While being devoted to your own faith tradition is welcome and encouraged, Chautauqua is not a place for proselytization.
- Applicants must have earned a bachelor’s degree and be at least 21 years old. While there is no age limit, if you have more than five years of paid work experience in interfaith leadership, this program may not be the right fit for you.
- Applicants should have a desire to grow as a leader, be able to work within a team, and be willing to be part of a learning community.
- Experience with inter-religious dialogue is highly preferred.
- Each applicant should submit an online application form and will be asked to upload a resume, a list of references, and a 1–2-page letter of interest. This letter should explain why you are seeking the coordinator position, describe your previous interfaith involvement, and address your professional goals.
Applications for the 2025 season have closed.