Chautauqua Foundation
Message from the Executive Director
The Chautauqua Foundation staff and board of directors are vigilant stewards of nearly 800 endowment funds held by the Foundation for the benefit of Chautauqua Institution. We oversee the management of the investment portfolio and pursue investment strategies designed to provide consistently strong returns while minimizing risks. We protect the interests of our donors, ensuring that endowment funds are used appropriately. We seek to maximize the Foundation’s support of Chautauqua Institution and its programs, while at the same time ensuring the perpetual sustainability of our endowment assets.
The Foundation’s annual report provides investment performance and asset allocation information, endowment fundraising information, audited financial statements, donor recognition opportunities, and lists of endowment funds organized by area of support. Our website also provides information about our distinguished board of directors, our professional staff, Foundation membership criteria, and is closely integrated with Advancement to provide the full range of giving opportunities. We continue to endeavor to bring you the most current and relevant information, which includes continued improvements to our website and new communication methods such as our electronic version of the annual endowment reports.
The Foundation has implemented quarterly endowment fund allocations to provide donors with updated fund balances during the year, is available at various events during the season, and welcomes interaction with anyone interested in learning more about the Foundation or the value of endowment at Chautauqua. Please feel free to contact us at (716) 357-6220 or foundation@chq.org.
It’s an honor to serve the Foundation and our donors.
Deborah E. Moore, CPA
Executive Director
Chautauqua Foundation

History & Mission

Board of Directors

Foundation Staff

Foundation Publications

Foundation Membership
