Chautauqua Anthology
Chautauqua Literary Arts is pleased to announce an exciting transition for the Chautauqua journal, which will see its final publication this summer in its current form and will be reconstructed and rejuvenated as the Chautauqua Anthology, co-edited by Kwame Alexander and Jill Gerard.
Submissions are open for our inaugural 2025 publication. Read America as Patchwork Quilt: A Chautauqua Anthology call for papers and submit online! Submission deadline is June 1, 2024.
In 2025, we will honor the long legacy of the journal at Chautauqua and those who have diligently worked to share our Chautauqua traditions on the page by expanding its reach as an anthology, which will see its inaugural publication as a special edition at Chautauqua Institution in May 2025, and will then hit the shelves in bookstores across the U.S. in September 2025.
For decades, the Chautauqua literary journal has been a manifestation of the values and aesthetics of Chautauqua Institution. Each volume is a portable Chautauqua season between covers. The sections loosely reflect the categories of experience addressed during those nine summer weeks, playing one writer’s vision off another’s in the spirit of oblique, artful dialogue.
The Chautauqua way is also reflected in how we make this book. Each year, in partnership with the Chautauqua Literary Arts, graduate and undergraduate students in the Department of Creative Writing at the University of North Carolina Wilmington work as members of the editorial team, guided by professional editors and an advisory board. They read and discuss submissions, fact check and edit, search for art, and participate in the artistic process of building a book.
In our editorial sessions, we read aloud excerpts or even entire works, listening for the music of great writing, searching for the piece that eloquently addresses the issue’s theme through some facet of the life in art, spirit, leisure, or a life lesson. Writers, ages twelve through eighteen, enjoy that same respectful attention through Young Voices.
Join us to celebrate our final publication of the Chautauqua literary journal and the announcement of our inaugural Chautauqua Anthology publication at Chautauqua this summer on July 15, 2024.
Editors, Jill Gerard and Kwame Alexander
Advisory Editor, Diana Hume George
Managing Editor, James King
Please follow the link below for information on our theme and to submit.
Reading Periods: February 15 to June 1