Youth & Family
Chautauqua’s programs for youth present a diversity of activity, in settings varied and historic. From pre-school to day camp, from sports instruction to informal youth centers, from enrichment classes to entertainment, and from reading to experiences in the arts, these programs offer opportunities to explore the Chautauqua experience. At the same time, youth are encouraged to grow in independence, make choices, take responsibility and celebrate family time, all in the safe and supportive community that is Chautauqua.

Children’s School
For youth ages 2.8–5. Built in 1921, the Chautauqua Children’s School pioneered the concept of nursery school education. Additions made in 1926, 1947 and 1969 were followed by a full renovation and expansion in 1994 to its present size and capacity.

Group One
For youth entering first grade in the fall. Begun in 1997, Group One is a program designed for children who will enter first grade in the fall and serves as a transition between Children’s School and Boys’ and Girls’ Club.

Boys’ and Girls’ Club
For youth entering grades 2–10 in the fall Boys’ and Girls’ Club is considered the oldest day camp in the United States. With most buildings dating from the 1890s and the turn of the century, Club grows out of a Chautauqua tradition of excellence in sports and physical education.
Youth Activities Center (YAC)
The Youth Activities Center (known as the YAC) is a drop-in center for kids ages 12–17. Located on the south lakefront at Heinz Beach, and adjacent to the Boys’ and Girls’ Club campus, the YAC features a bustling snack bar (with daily lunch specials at “kid” prices), a friendly staff, televisions, games, table tennis and pool tables.
Open for food service Noon to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Open evenings Monday through Thursday starting at 5 p.m. for YACtivities; activities change weekly and can be found at the YAC or in the youth section of the Green Sheet. Copies of the Green Sheet are available at the Colonnade, Welcome Center, Visitors Center, Book Store, and Library.
Follow the YAC on Instagram, @yacchq and Facebook for evening YAC-tivity information.
Youth & Family Events
Special Studies Classes at Chautauqua
Chautauqua’s Special Studies program provides youth the ability to experience Chautauqua as their parents do in an age-appropriate learning environment. The Special Studies curriculum offers a wide variety of subjects from computer skills, art, dance, music, writing, language and many more interactive courses that engage youth to begin a path to lifelong learning.
Young Readers Program
The CLSC Young Readers Program encourages the enjoyment of good reading. The books have been chosen for their quality, the variety of styles and subjects, and their appeal to young adult readers.
Youth Recreation
In addition to the plethora of activities young people will find within the framework of the Boys’ & Girls’ Club, Children’s School and Group One, there are a variety of other activities for them to enjoy—from tennis and golf to swimming and sailing and more.
Youth Sailing
The Chautauqua Sailing Department presents a summer-long curriculum of sailing courses for youth ages 8 and up, including Beginner Optimist Sailing, 420 Sailing, Intermediate Sailing, and Saturday morning races. Registration is through the Special Studies program. Early registration is strongly recommended. Private lessons may also be arranged. All Sailing Department programs are conducted from the John R. Turney Sailing Center.
With an extensive and scenic waterfront, CHQ has always celebrated its connection to the lake, and swimming has remained a popular past-time. The 25-yard indoor pool at the Turner Community Center is open year-round.
Youth Golf
The Chautauqua Golf Club offers a variety of junior golf camps and clinics for ages 4-17. Class size is limited and early registration is strongly encouraged.
Youth Tennis
Located directly behind the Turner Community Center, the Chautauqua Tennis Center provides an outstanding junior development program offering group instruction for ages 4–18 and all skill levels. Details and schedules are available at the tennis pro shop. Racquets may be borrowed at no charge during the junior programs. Private lessons and junior memberships are also available.
Education Wednesdays
Every Wednesday of the season, Chautauqua County students, faculty, administration and staff get free admission!
Battle of the Books
Inspire a love of reading when students enjoy this high-energy day in an event that’s part quiz bowl, part dance party, all fun!