Bestor Society
The Bestor Society recognizes those who make an annual commitment of $5,000 or more to support Chautauqua Institution. These leadership gifts help sustain delivery of the Chautauqua experience at the highest quality, inspire similar acts of generosity in others, and underscore a commitment to the unparalleled, intergenerational experience that is Chautauqua.

Contact Information
Jennifer S. Stitely, CFRE, CAP®
Associate Vice President of Advancement
Enriching Lives, Deepening Conversations
Bestor Society members are committed to active engagement in Chautauqua’s programs, serve as advocates and ambassadors, and help sustain the Institution’s mission by amplifying our work for greater impact in shaping a better tomorrow.
Bestor Society members provide support to Chautauqua that advances all facets of the Institution’s work. Members understand the importance of curating artistic expression, the value of assembly to reflect on the ideals and ideas that define a good society, and the engagement with others to convene probing conversations on important issues of the day.
Arthur E. Bestor
Arthur E. Bestor’s Chautauqua presidency from 1915 to 1944 saw the Institution through an astonishing period of achievement and growth. Under his leadership, the Institution surmounted difficulties experienced by a country during two world wars and a depression. He realized that while persistence may have achieved his dreams, only passion would sustain them. Maintaining Chautauqua’s programming, which had achieved world acclaim, would require ongoing devotion and support. More than 75 years later, the society that bears his name also shares his passion for maintaining Chautauqua’s greatness. Today’s builders… today’s visionaries… those who care deeply about furthering the Institution’s stability… form Chautauqua’s Bestor Society.