Tim Morrison stands as an exemplary figure in the world of trumpet performance, celebrated for his extraordinary talent and versatility across classical and popular music genres. He has distinguished himself through his pivotal roles in esteemed ensembles and collaborations with iconic figures in the music industry. Beginning his illustrious career, Morrison's journey was marked by...
" A Journey Through the Holy Land in the times of Jesus"
By Noah Haidle Ernestine Ashworth contemplates her cosmic insignificance on her 17th birthday, a feeling that follows her through the swift passage of time. In the blink of an eye, she reaches her 18th birthday, hurtles toward her 41st, accelerates into her 70th, and glides into her 101st. Birthday Candles is a heartfelt and humorous...
The Family of Abraham Gathers
In the Whale is the true story of a Cape Cod fisherman engulfed by a humpback whale, caught in the watery cavity of its massive mouth before being spit out. Q&A with filmmaker and Boston Globe reporter David Abel to follow.
Monte Thompson was a professional dancer, and also spent years as a restauranteur. His life was spent on his feet. Now retired, he is interested in continuing to be able to move easily and gracefully while using breathing and stretching techniques to help quiet his mind and prepare him to face each day with purpose...
The Rev. Canon Leyla King is a Palestinian-American Episcopal priest and writer, an advocate of small churches, and a wife and mother. She is a founding member of both Palestinian Anglicans and Clergy Allies (www.palestiniananglicans.org) and The Small Churches Big Impact Collective (smallchurchesbigimpact.org). Currently, she serves as the Canon for Mission in Small Congregations for the...
Jennifer D. Sciubba is one of the world’s leading experts on demographic trends and their implications for politics, economics, and social relationships, and an advocate for policy-relevant research. Her work argues that a deeper understanding of fertility, mortality and migration trends points us toward the investments we need to make today to shape the future...
Play CHQ invites families to explore together through games, crafts, STEM activities and more throughout the 2024 season. You can join the fun at pop-up locations across the grounds! In case of inclement weather, all Play CHQ events will be held at Sheldon Hall of Education, Room 202.
Presenters Stephine Hunt and Emily Novak will lead a community discussion on our Week Four CLSC selection, Lost Children Archive, by Valeria Luiselli
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