July 12, 2022
Dear Chautauqua Families,
I know for many of you this message finds you just after a week with family at Chautauqua, and I hope your time on the grounds and together have had a rejuvenating effect on your spirit and soul. Truly there are few moments in life more special than family time — especially when spent here. If you have departed, I wish you all the best and thank you for your contributions to this community, now and always. For those who we’ve yet to see this summer, prepare to see Chautauqua back in full bloom! It’s been magical.
What we share below follows a truly remarkable and productive meeting between members of the Youth and Family Programs Advisory Group and my Executive Leadership Team in mid-June. I am profoundly grateful to the members of the Advisory Group for their time, commitment and engagement with Chautauqua staff and community members for now more than two years. Their thoughtfulness and care for Chautauqua and for Youth and Family Programs in particular is evident in all their work, including the Final Report included as part of this communication. In addition to the Advisory Group’s Final Report, we’re including two different modes of consideration and response: 1) A status report that corresponds directly with the Advisory Group’s specific feedback and suggestions, and 2) some narrative and bullet points that speak more broadly to ongoing and future work in Youth and Family Programs and how it aligns with the goals and objectives outlined in 150 Forward, our 2019–28 strategic plan.
Despite this being called a “final” report, know that interactions with an ad hoc Youth and Family Programs Advisory Group in some form remains our intention going forward, as one of many avenues we work to ensure that Chautauqua’s offerings match our patrons’ and community’s evolving needs and aspirations. Thank you to all who take time to help us shape the future of Chautauqua and to live fully into its mission.
All my best,

Michael E. Hill, Ed.D. President
Institution Response: 150 Forward and Youth and Family Programs
Objective One: Optimize the summer assembly season on the Chautauqua Grounds to provide a first-class experience around the arts, education, religion, and recreation
- Increasing attendance to allow earned revenue to grow without pressure to increase pricing
- Ensuring appropriate return on investment for program and facilities
- Achieving best-in-class guest experience and delivering greater value to first-time and returning Chautauquans
In Youth and Family Programs:
- In partnership with program leadership, conduct continued assessment of overall youth and family programs to understand alignment with existing and changing needs of families, both new and returning, and identifying gaps in families’ needs and Chautauqua’s offerings.
- Expanded all staff youth and family program training to include earlier arrival for some teams and additional training hours. Highlighted topics include:
- Community building
- Working with families
- Safety and emergency response
- Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility
- Supporting Social Emotional Learning
- Expanded all staff youth and family program training to include earlier arrival for some teams and additional training hours. Highlighted topics include:
- In alignment with overall marketing strategy, market Chautauqua Institution as a destination for families with children. Build out on-grounds programs that introduce families to youth programs upon arrival.
- Play CHQ pop-up programs providing a low-commitment access point to youth and family programs for new families and programs that are held 7 days per week during the season
- Sunday site tours of Children’s School, Group One, and Boys’ and Girls’ Club
- Sunday free play at Children’s School
- Family Guidebook sent to all families registered for Children’s School, Group One, and Boys’ and Girls’ Club, as well as being available on Sundays at Play CHQ events and at the Main Gate Welcome Center
- Introduce new programs and other opportunities to provide additional experiences for new and returning families during their time on the grounds.
- Play CHQ pop-up activities outside of Children’s School and Club hours
- Revitalized CLSC Young Readers program
- Special Studies classes
- Redevelopment of Chautauqua’s Young Adult programs in collaboration with young adults. Piloting the conversion of Heinz Fitness Center into a Young Adult Gathering Space.
- With increase in Institution’s overall capital budget, revisit facility evaluation process to invest in regular maintenance of youth program facilities and equipment.
- Pre-season facility evaluation conducted by Boys’ and Girls’ Club Director, Children’s School Director, YAC Director, Director of Youth and Family Programs, Buildings and Grounds leadership, and Capital Projects Manager
Objective Two: Expand Chautauqua’s convening authority year-round to broaden its impact beyond the summer assembly season
- Developing platforms and venues to build upon and fully leverage summer assembly content and to create new and more expansive Chautauqua experiences
- Forging partnerships to generate and disseminate first-class content and increase impact
- Strengthening brand awareness to reach new, larger, and more diverse audiences for Chautauqua
In Youth and Family Programs:
- Building upon Institution’s commitment to multi-generational programming and arts education programming, design and implement dedicated year-round programming opportunities in Chautauqua County schools and on Chautauqua grounds to engage students and educators.
- Youth and Family Programs to support on-grounds special events specifically to lead family engagement as well as participating in regional community events
- During the spring of 2022, Chautauqua engaged more than 3,000 families, students and educators through field trips to Chautauqua and community events
Objective Three: Drive the implementation of a comprehensive, science-based approach to improving the health and sustainability of Chautauqua lake and elevate its conservation as the centerpiece of the region’s economic prosperity
- Creating watershed-wide alliances that result in a coordinated approach among local stakeholders to tackling the issues facing the lake
- Harnessing science-based solutions to ensure a lake ecosystem that benefits people and sustains wildlife for generations to come
- Creating a comprehensive public affairs/government relations program to encourage local, state, and national partners—both public and private—to act on the issues impacting the lake
In Youth and Family Programs:
- As part of Chautauqua’s Climate Change Initiative and efforts to address the health of Chautauqua Lake, engage younger generations in science-based curriculum, activities and conversation, on grounds during summer assembly season and throughout the year in Chautauqua County.
- Throughout the 2022 season, Wednesday “STEM at the Water” program will feature multigenerational STEM programming and opportunities for youth to engage with STEM professionals during select weeks
- Pilot program of various science-based activities at Children’s School, Group One, and Boys’ and Girls’ Club which will be implemented in community wide programming later this season
- Investment in equipment, supplies and training to encourage STEM exploration and science literacy
Objective Four: Grow and diversify revenue to address critical needs, increase financial resiliency, and fund Chautauqua’s future
- Growing philanthropy to support new emphasis on convening and reduce pressure on outsized increases in attendance or pricing
- Securing favorable alternative financing, where available and appropriate, to augment philanthropy and provide flexible capital funds for major infrastructure improvements
- Pursuing new or complementary lines of business to help ensure long-term financial sustainability
In Youth and Family Programs:
- As part of larger capital campaign and advancement strategy, seek new philanthropy opportunities for existing and future youth and family programs and infrastructure, with emphasis on sustainability and accessibility. Continued analysis of how programming and facilities serve needs of existing and new families.
- Establish general and flexible endowments for the sustainability of Chautauqua’s anchor youth programs (Club, G1, and Children’s School)
Cross-Cutting Imperatives: Strategic Partnerships
Cultivate a range of creative, well-negotiated partnerships that extend the Institution’s reach and amplify its message; address labor and housing challenges; and add value and diversity to Chautauqua’s programming during the summer assembly season.
Cross-Cutting Imperatives: Mobilization of Technology
Prioritize major investments to harness the power of technology at every level.
In Youth and Family Programs:
- Invest in new technology infrastructure to provide easier introduction and registration process to youth and family programs, connect parents/guardians with program staff prior to arrival, and provide regular communication with families (most immediately, use of CampDoc platform to provide updates, urgent notifications).
Cross-Cutting Imperatives: Labor and Talent Solutions
Chautauqua Institution’s primary physical location in Western New York, its current seasonal nature, and a general trend toward alternative work arrangements will continue to present a challenge within a highly competitive market. Chautauqua requires a comprehensive human capital management plan and workforce planning solutions to recruit, develop, and retain a diverse workforce that encompasses all the skills and experience necessary to deliver on its long-term strategic vision and to provide an environment for that workforce that positions the organization as an “employer of choice” on the national stage.
In Youth and Family Programs:
- Beginning in 2021, normalize assessment of ongoing staffing challenges in youth and family programs and assessment of wages for program leadership and staff, particularly in key areas that require specialized training.
- Identify job-sharing possibilities for staff working less than full-time hours across Institution to also support other Institution services and programs.
- Identify new pipelines for hiring youth and family program staff, including partnerships with organizations and academic institutions in Chautauqua County.
- Responding to staff survey data collected from 2019-2021 to enhance training and orientation opportunities.
Cross-Cutting Imperatives: Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA)
Create the conditions in which everyone feels that they can engage as full and valued participants in the Chautauqua experience.
In Youth and Family Programs:
- Working with Amit Taneja, senior vice president and chief IDEA officer for Chautauqua Institution, prioritize training specific to creating a supportive and welcoming environment for all youth, with particular emphasis on working with children with special needs. As part of larger institution-wide accessibility audit, evaluate youth programming and facilities.
- Training was conducted in 2022 for Youth and Family Programs Staff specific to working with children with disabilities
- In 2022, a process was established and implemented for conducting Camper Success Meetings prior to a family’s arrival in program to establish an open channel of communication to identify support a child may need to participate in youth programs
- Youth and Family Programs is working with a consultant to assess programming in session and identify immediate areas to address for enhanced accessibility and inclusion.