Safety & Security Policies
During the Summer Assembly Season, the following Safety & Security policies will be in place:
Venue Entry
- A “clear container” policy will be utilized at the Amphitheater and all other venues all summer. This means that if your bag is larger than 4.5″ x 6.5″, it must be see-through. We are sorry, but mesh bags do not allow us to see the contents well enough. Bags must be clear. Patrons are welcome to bring backpacks, diaper bags or other totes to Chautauqua Institution to facilitate their visit but if they want access to a specific venue, they must abide by the clear container policy. Solid containers for personal items, like a wallet or a glasses case, are permitted in venues as long as each of those items is smaller than 4.5″ x 6.5”. For our guests who use mobility scooters, please make sure any containers in your baskets abide by these restrictions.*
- Weapons are not allowed in venues. Sharp crafting items such as knitting needles are not considered weapons under this policy. They are permitted.
- Umbrellas are allowed in our venues, but you may be asked to open one during security screening.
- Seat cushions are allowed in our venues. If your seat cushion has pockets, they must be empty.
- Water bottles are allowed in our venues but they must contain water only. Unclear water bottles with large tops may be subject to “shaking” for weapons screening.
Security Screening
- Chautauqua Institution’s security planning varies for each event. Screening tools you might see at a venue include visual screening, handheld “wand” screening, walk-through weapons detection systems and random bag searches.
Questions or concerns regarding security should be directed to Billy Leone, Chief of Campus Safety & Security, at

Clear bags can be purchased at the Chautauqua Bookstore and will also be available at The Gallery Store at Strohl Art Center this summer.
*We recognize that many patrons may have concerns about the environmental impact of our “clear bag” policy, and we want to offer a few points to consider:
- The policy requires a clear bag ONLY if you need a bag larger than 4.5” x 6.5” in our venues. Smaller bags such as clutches may be solid.
- There are some transparent bags that are made of more eco-friendly materials like PVC-free vinyl. An example can be found here, available for purchase online.
- The Chautauqua Bookstore will have a selection of reusable clear bags available for purchase.
- We will have a limited supply of clear bags available each day for loan at the Screen House outside of the Amphitheater in advance of events held there and distributed in a manner similar to the distribution of assisted listening devices, where users will be asked to leave behind a driver’s license while they borrow the clear bag. This is neither a bag swap nor a bag drop; rather the opportunity to borrow a clear bag in which you can place your personal items to take into the venue.
- Experts note that reusing any bag is an impactful way to reduce the environmental toll that results from the production of the bag. By committing to reuse your clear bag multiple times, you can reduce its environmental impact, no matter what its composition.
Please note that we are making other efforts as a community to protect the environment, installing new water refill stations on the grounds, offering single-use water in aluminum cans instead of plastic bottles, obtaining all of our purchased electricity from clean renewable sources like solar, wind and hydro, and educating our visitors on how we can all help solve the global plastics crisis.