Welcome to the Fall 2022 update of the Chautauqua Climate Change Initiative. In this edition we look back at how we did during the 2022 season and highlight some post-summer programs and events. As a reminder, we have a dedicated page on Chautauqua’s website, climate.chq.org, where you can get updates on current programs and events as well as links to past programs on CHQ Assembly. We also have a Facebook group, Chautauquans for Sustainability, now with nearly 200 members. For those who are not on Facebook, know that we will continue to send quarterly updates by email so you won’t...
Posts Matching: Climate Change Initiative
Welcome to the spring update of the Chautauqua Climate Change Initiative. This special edition details the exciting climate and environment programs you will find at Chautauqua this spring, summer and fall. The information is organized into four sections: (I) Chautauqua Institution lectures; (II) Partner programs in collaboration with the Chautauqua Climate Change Initiative; (III) Special events and performances; and (IV) Classes and workshops. Under lined text links you to the web for more information. At the end of this update, you’ll find a one-page grid to help you follow along week-by-week. But first, a few reminders: You can get updates...
Chautauqua Climate Change Initiative Winter 2022 Update
Welcome to the second quarterly update of the Chautauqua Climate Change Initiative. There have been some exciting developments since the Fall 2021 update, including new climate and environment-themed programming and progress in our lake conservation and restoration efforts. We now have a dedicated landing page on Chautauqua’s website, climate.chq.org, where you can get updates on current programs and events as well as links to past programs on CHQ Assembly. Thanks to the Institution’s generous donors, we will have an excellent resource available to on-grounds visitors during the summer, free copies of a special Chautauqua edition of The World’s Littlest Book...
Welcome to the first quarterly update of the Chautauqua Climate Change Initiative. It was a busy summer of getting to know the amazing Chautauqua community. I’m so grateful for the enthusiastic support that you and others have expressed for the things we will do together to build a sustainable Chautauqua and advance understanding and action on climate. I plan to update interested stakeholders by email four times per year. I am also making space for our community to collaborate, share and learn together throughout the year. To that end, I’d like to invite you to join the new Sustainable Chautauqua group on Facebook, a space to:...