Chautauqua Institution launched a new safety campaign titled “Turn it Towards the Turtle” to remind both pedestrians and mobility device users to be extra cautious inside venues and in high traffic areas. We are hopeful that these visual reminders will help all members of our community navigate shared spaces safely and efficiently.
An advance notice of this campaign was shared with the community via the CHQ Daily (see page 6, July 6 & 7, 2024 edition). As noted in that article, shared spaces are important to our community.
Tips for pedestrians to enhance accessibility –
Please be mindful of mobility device users by allowing more passage space and not standing right in front of accessible entrances or curb cuts.
It might be especially helpful to know that mobility scooters require a wide turning radius, so please give them space
Ensure that objects are not blocking access to hallways, garbage cans, water fountains, etc.
Please don’t stand right behind a mobility device, especially when they are trying to back out of a space.
Tips for mobility device users –
Please follow safe operation practices.
Scooter safety recommendations and resources are available for all on CHQ Institution Mobility website.
Please reduce scooter speed in high traffic areas (such as Bestor, Odland or Hall of Philosophy plazas), or inside venues.
Most mobility devices come with a speed dial ranging from turtle to rabbit. When in doubt, “toward the turtle” will always be the better choice as it allows for greater control of your device.
Please ensure your device is not blocking stairs or emergency exit pathways.
All patrons who rent devices from the Institution receive a safety demonstration at the time of the rental. Those who privately own scooters or are renting from an outside agency are welcome to contact Frank Finnerty at the Main Gate Welcome Center (716-357-6250, option 7) for best practices and safety tips.
This is very important if you are new to using a mobility device.