Established from its foundation in 1874 as a platform for intellectual and cultural exchange, Chautauqua Institution was pivotal in the advancement of women’s rights. Throughout the 19th and 20th century, Chautauqua’s lecture platform featured notable suffragists ranging from Susan B. Anthony to Carrie Chapman Catt. This March, we continue to celebrate Women’s History Month, showcasing Chautauqua’s crucial role in the women’s rights movement.
Though Chautauqua had welcomed women speakers in the past, beginning as early as the remarks from Jenny Fowler Willing at the opening services in 1874, debating the issue of women’s suffrage was revolutionary. Chautauqua’s first women’s suffrage debate was held in 1881, welcoming the editor of the Chautauqua Magazine and newspaper, Rev. Theodore L. Flood and Rev. Henry Loomis to the stage. It wasn’t until 10 years later that the Chautauqua Assembly made more significant strides, inviting women suffragists to speak on their own behalf.
The first women’s suffrage meeting was held in 1891, featuring notable figures such as Anna Howard Shaw, Julia Ward Howe, Grace H. Dodge, Susan B. Anthony, and local suffragist Kate Pete. Chautauqua went on to hold another suffrage debate in 1892, this time between suffragist leader Anna Howard Shaw and the opposing JM Buckley. In addition to Shaw’s CHQ Assembly appearances, the platform continued to welcome suffragists like Susan B. Anthony, and Carrie Chapman Catt to speak. Eventually, Chautauqua also saw the creation of various organizations, including the Suffrage Club, Suffrage Association, and Women’s Club (still active today).

As we reflect on the efforts of these organizations and the influential figures who spoke on our grounds, we are honored to have played a role in the fight for equal rights and opportunities. Celebrating 150 years in 2024, we look back with pride and optimism at the rich history of the Institution. We remember and honor our past and strive to build upon the precedents of healthy debate and constructive dialogue we set so long ago.