Ryan Baxter Boughton
Assoc. AIA, Administrator of Architectural and Land Use Regulations; Capital Projects Manager
Campus Planning and Operations
Email: rboughton@chq.org
Phone: 716.357.6267
Additional Contact Information
Chautauqua Institution
P.O. Box 28 | One Ames Avenue
Chautauqua, N.Y. 14722
About Ryan
As Administrator of Architectural and Land Use Regulations and Capital Projects Manager, Ryan’s primary responsibilities are the design, development, and management of capital projects, and administering and enforcing our Architectural and Land Use Regulations with residential projects on the campus. He is excited about the consistent engagement with the community in this role at Chautauqua, and he is excited to have the opportunity to develop and execute projects that will support the community and its range of activities happening throughout Chautauqua.
Ryan has a master’s degree in architecture from the College of Architecture and Urban Studies at Virginia Tech, and a bachelor’s degree in architecture from the University at Buffalo’s School of Architecture and Planning. He has broad architectural, engineering and construction management experience, most recently working with Burns & McDonnell working on national technology, commercial, and industrial design projects from their Virginia offices. He is currently in the process of completing the multipart architecture exam to become a licensed architect. He is an associate member of the American Institute of Architects.
Why did you choose to work at Chautauqua? What do you like about working at Chautauqua?
Ryan grew up as a part of the Chautauqua Lake community, and the Institution is a place that he spent his childhood visiting for events, performances, and occasional golf outings. He also worked as a seasonal employee in multiple roles throughout the community, but is happy to bring his professional skill set back to Chautauqua to continue helping to make Chautauqua the community we know and love!
Current and Former Volunteer or Board Roles
- BPUMC Worship Team Member
- Re-Tree the District Participant & University Heights Tool Library volunteer (2014 – 2017)
- World Vision 30 Hour Famine Participant (2010-2014)
- Troop 137 Eagle Scout
Professional Affiliations
American Institute of Architects (AIA), Associate Member
Personal Interests
Ryan enjoys cooking, whitewater rafting, yoga, skiing, fishing, and boating. He plays guitar, piano, keyboard, and drum kit, and enjoys going to various musical performances. He enjoys seeing theatrical shows, professional dance, as well as attending cinematic and athletic performances.